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Welche Tiere im Addo Elephant Park?

Welche Tiere im Addo Elephant Park?

Tiere im Addo Elephant Park Der Addo Elephant Nationalpark wurde 1931 gegründet und bietet Lebensraum für mehr als 600 Elefanten sowie Büffel, Zebras, Antilopenarten, Warzenschweine, Tüpfelhyänen, Flusspferde, Kudus, Nashörner, Strauße, Löwen, Leoparden, Affen und andere Säugetiere sowie Vogelarten.

Wie groß ist der Addo Elephant Park?

1.640 km²

Wie viel kostet eine Safari?

Wenn Sie eine Safari für 2 Personen buchen, liegen die Kosten normalerweise zwischen 430-450,- € pro Person und Tag, wenn Sie sich für die Hotels der Silberklasse entscheiden. Wenn Sie mit 4 Personen reisen, liegen die Kosten bei ca. 380-400,- € pro Person.

Where is Addo Elephant National Park?

Addo Elephant National Park is a diverse wildlife conservation park situated close to Port Elizabeth in South Africa and is one of the country’s 19 national parks. It currently ranks third in size after Kruger National Park and the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

How do I get to Addo National Park?

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The national park is accessed from well-maintained tarred roads through one of two entrances; the Main Entrance Gate or the Matyholweni Gate. Addo is located 72 kilometres (44.6 miles), approximately 1 hours drive, from Port Elizabeth.

What to do in Addo South Africa?

Addrelin Addo: you can go down the highest and fastest double zip line in South Africa, get your adrenalin rush on the giant swing, or canoe on the Sundays River. Addo Wildlife: enjoy a meal here after a walk through the wildlife centre, learning about the various animals.

What kind of animals are in addaddo Park?

Addo hosts a great variety of animal species so no matter what kind of animal you love, it is bound to be there. The park has over 400 bird species, almost 100 mammal species, and different reptiles and fish. Some animals, like the zebra, are very comfortable with cars in close proximity to them.