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Woher kommt Chinchillas?

Woher kommt Chinchillas?

Chinchillas stammen ursprünglich aus Südamerika. Idealerweise ist der Chinchilla-Käfig oder die -Voliere an zwei Seiten blickdicht geschlossen. Die Tierchen sind recht schreckhaft und lärmempfindlich. Die Tiere müssen vor Zugluft, aber auch vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt sein.

Können Chinchillas stubenrein werden?

Können Chinchillas stubenrein werden? Im Käfig lassen Chinchillas ihren Kot in der Regel dort fallen, wo sie gerade sind. Das heißt nicht, dass diese Tiere unsauber wären. Sie sind ihren wilden Vorfahren noch sehr ähnlich und können ihr „Geschäftchen“ nur schwer kontrollieren.

Where do chinchillas live in the wild?

Chinchillas are native to Chile and Peru. In the wild they live in groups and make their home in burrows and natural outcroppings and crevices. These small, cute rodents have plush, soft coats of fur. They weigh around 1 to 1.5 pounds and can be up to a foot long.

What does a chinchilla look like?

Chinchillas are native to Chile and Peru. In the wild they live in groups and make their home in burrows and natural outcroppings and crevices. These small, cute rodents have plush, soft coats of fur. They weigh around 1 to 1.5 pounds and can be up to a foot long. They have rounded ears and eyes on either side of a broad head.

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Is there such a thing as a good Chinchilla breeder?

While chinchillas are fairly common pets, finding a good chinchillas breeder isn’t as common. In fact, many people aren’t aware of the fact that you should almost never buy a chinchilla from a pet store! Fortunately, we’ve made the process of finding a reputable chinchilla breeder easier for you.

How do chinchillas interact with humans?

For many years, the chinchilla’s only interaction with humans consisted of being hunted, and later bred in captivity, for their exceptionally soft fur. The chinchilla’s pelt is still used in the fur industry today, in the creation of fashionable clothing, but these chinchillas are farm-raised, rather than wild.