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Woher hat die Kiwi ihren Namen?

Woher hat die Kiwi ihren Namen?

Da Kiwis aus China stammen, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sie ursprünglich auch nur einen chinesischen Namen hatten: Yang Tao. Die große Wende kam erst 1959, als die kleine Frucht nach dem Nationalvogel Neuseelands Kiwi benannt wurde.

Woher stammt die Kiwi?

Kiwipflanzen kommen ursprünglich aus Ostasien. Sie gelangten zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts nach Neuseeland, wo sie erfolgreich kultiviert wurden.

Kann ein Kiwi fliegen?

Fliegen kann er also nicht. Dafür kann der Kiwi jedoch gut, ausdauernd und – wenn nötig – auch schnell laufen. Seine Beine sind kräftig und muskulös, mit großen Füßen, die scharfe Krallen haben.

Why are Kiwis called Kiwis?

During the First World War, New Zealand soldiers were dubbed Pig Islanders or Diggers – but eventually, they also became known as Kiwis. This description was believed not to come out of any kind of physical attribute, but rather the stature and good-mannered nature of New Zealand soldiers.

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What is the origin of the famous Kiwi cartoon?

In 1904, the New Zealand Free Lance printed a cartoon by J. C. Blomfield which showed a plucky kiwi as it transformed into a moa – an extinct native bird species which, at the time, was deemed to be much tougher than its smaller companion. This was timed to celebrate the All Blacks rugby team’s first test match win against their British motherland.

What is the significance of the kiwi bird in New Zealand history?

New Zealand’s indigenous Māori have always held the kiwi bird in high regard. They called it the hidden bird of Tāne, the God of the forest – or ‘te manu huna a Tāne’ in the native language. Cloaks made out of kiwi feathers, known as ‘kahu kiwi’ were treasures ( taonga) reserved exclusively for tribal chiefs.

Why is it called a kahu kiwi?

They called it the hidden bird of Tāne, the God of the forest – or ‘te manu huna a Tāne’ in the native language. Cloaks made out of kiwi feathers, known as ‘kahu kiwi’ were treasures ( taonga) reserved exclusively for tribal chiefs.

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