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Wie viele SSJ Stufen gibt es?

Wie viele SSJ Stufen gibt es?

Saiyajin-Transformation Nr. Wie die Gott-Transformationen unterscheidet sich ebenfalls der Vierfache Super-Saiyajin deutlich von allen übrigen Verwandlungen, die Saiyajin erreichen kann.

Wie viel stärker ist ein Super-Saiyajin?

Legändere Super-Saiyajin Dieser LSSJ ist Broly, der schon als Kind mit einer Kampfkraft von 10.000 geboren wurde. Der LSSJ ist stärker als ein gewöhnlicher SSJ. In dieser Form nimmt die Muskelmasse enorm zu, ähnlich wie beim Ultra-Saiyajin, jedoch verringert sich die Geschwindigkeit und Agiliät nicht zum Negativen.

Was ist eine SSJ?

Schwestern Jesu, ein katholischer Frauenorden.

Is Ultimate Gohan stronger than Super Saiyan 3?

As a result, Gohan is able to achieve a power beyond Super Saiyan 2 and even Super Saiyan 3, ultimately being equal to a Super Saiyan Blue after constant training with Piccolo. Out of all the transformations in the series, the Ultimate Gohan state brings about the least amount of changes.

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How strong is Gohan in Dragon Ball?

Gohan, one of the strongest heroes in the Dragon Ball anime, has been able to achieve three high levels of power: Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, and the Ultimate form. Gohan was the first character to reach both the Ultimate form and Super Saiyan 2.

What is the ultimate form of Gohan?

After Old Kai is released from the Z Sword, he unlocks Gohan’s full potential. This new power level has since been named the “ Ultimate “ form. As Ultimate Gohan, his hair kept its natural black color and Gohan was able to fight on par with Super Buu without going Super Saiyan.

Is Majin Boo stronger than Ultimate Gohan?

A powered-up Gohan effortlessly dominates Majin Boo. In terms of outright strength, Gohan’s Ultimate Gohan form appears to be vastly superior to the Super Saiyan 3 transformation, though by how much is unclear.