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Wie sehen mondfische aus?

Wie sehen mondfische aus?

Rücken- und Afterflosse haben die gleiche hohe, dreieckig-spitze Form. Sie sitzen weit hinten, einander symmetrisch gegenüber, sind das Hauptantriebsorgan und werden zum Vortrieb synchron seitlich geschlagen. Der Rücken der Mondfische ist bräunlich, grau oder grünlich, die Flanken und die Unterseite hell.

Ist ein Mondfisch gefährlich?

Haben Mondfische Feinde? Mondfische haben kaum Feinde. Kein Wunder, Mondfische haben eine über sieben Zentimeter dicke schuppenlose Haut — und ihr Fleisch ist quasi ungenießbar.

Was kostet Mondfisch?

Alle 80 Fische mit Fundorten und Verkaufspreisen (Liste + Januar-Fische)

Fisch Verkaufspreis
Mondfisch 4.000
Rochen 3.000
Sägehai 12.000
Hammerhai 8.000

What is the scientific name of the ocean sunfish?

The ocean sunfish has various superseded binomial synonyms, and was originally classified in the pufferfish genus, as Tetraodon mola. It is now placed in its own genus, Mola, with three species: Mola mola, Mola trecta (Hoodwinker Sunfish) and Mola ramsayi. The ocean sunfish, Mola mola, is the type species of the genus.

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What is the body shape of the ocean sunfish?

The caudal fin of the ocean sunfish is replaced by a rounded clavus, creating the body’s distinct truncated shape. The body is flattened laterally, giving it a long oval shape when seen head-on. The pectoral fins are small and fan-shaped, while the dorsal fin and the anal fin are lengthened, often making the fish as tall as it is long.

What is the range and behavior of a sunfish?

Range and behavior. Sunfish are most often found in water warmer than 10 °C (50 °F); prolonged periods spent in water at temperatures of 12 °C (54 °F) or lower can lead to disorientation and eventual death. Surface basking behavior, in which a sunfish swims on its side, presenting its largest profile to the sun,…

What do sunfish eat in the ocean?

Sunfishes are thought to consume abundant, shallow medusae in warmer months and rely on deeper, vertically migrating gelatinous prey during cooler months, explaining the seasonality of their deep-sea excursions. The most abundant and widespread of ocean sunfishes in the northern hemisphere is Mola mola.

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