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Wie lange lebt ein Blobfisch?

Wie lange lebt ein Blobfisch?

Das maximale Alter des Blobfisches (Psychrolutes phrictus) ist uns zurzeit nicht bekannt.

Sind Blobfische vom Aussterben bedroht?

Nicht ausgestorben

Was frisst der Quastenflosser?

Nahrung: Quastenflosser sind Räuber: Sie jagen und fressen Tintenfische, Meeraale und manche Haie.

Warum ist der Blobfisch vom Aussterben bedroht?

Aufgrund fehlender Forschungsergebnisse bis heute nicht bekannt, wie schnell er sich bewegen kann. Der Blobfisch hat zwar keine natürlichen Fressfeinde, gilt jedoch als gefährdete Tierart, da sich viele Exemplare in den Netzen von Tiefseefischern verfangen.

Where do blobfish die?

Blobfish, however, die at the air pressure levels at sea level, and, therefore, remain elusively underphotographed. The best-known blobfish specimen was found by a research vessel, NORFANZ, in 2003 and is preserved at the Australian Museum.

What are the Predators of the blobfish?

The only natural predators of the blobfish are human beings. Blob fishes were voted as the world ugliest animal in an online poll in 2013. The ugly animal preservative society needed a mascot they decide to put it to a public vote. The blobfish was named as the ugliest animal alive with 795 votes of 3,000.

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Is the blobfish an alien?

For instance, a Blobfish appeared in the film Men In Black 3, in a kitchen that included species of aliens… this is thought to be a funny hint that, in the Men In Black world, this fish is an alien due to its funny appearance. Also, musician Michael Hearst created a song about this fish, in his album titled for unusual creatures.

What does a blobfish look like?

The blobfish looks like a normal fish in its usual environment. At deep-sea they look like a typical bony fish, this pressured environment provides their gelatinous body mass with structural shape. The species live in an extreme pressure environment and experience up to 120 times the pressure as on drylands.