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Wie lange leben Menschen mit dem Rett-Syndrom?

Wie lange leben Menschen mit dem Rett-Syndrom?

Prognose. Das Rett-Syndrom ist selten, so gibt es wenig Informationen über die langfristige Prognose und die Lebenserwartung jenseits von etwa 40 Jahren.

Wie lange leben Menschen mit Rett-Syndrom?

Menschen mit Rett-Syndrom haben im Vergleich zu gesunden Personen eine etwas kürzere Lebenserwartung. In der Regel werden sie jedoch älter als 40 Jahre. Im Verlauf der Erkrankung ist unter anderem das Risiko für teils lebensbedrohliche Herzrhythmusstörungen (mit sog. verlängertem QTZ-Intervall) erhöht.

What Doctor can diagnose Rett syndrome?

A pediatric neurologist, clinical geneticist, or developmental pediatrician should be consulted to confirm the clinical diagnosis of Rett syndrome. The physician will use a highly specific set of guidelines that are divided into three types of clinical criteria: main, supportive, and exclusion.

What is the life span of Rett syndrome?

National averages for neurologically normal females 20-25 years of age are 98\%. Rett syndrome lifespan statistics drop below 70\% for females in the 25-40 age range, while national averages compare at 97\% at this age range.

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What are facts about Rett syndrome?

Rett syndrome was first written about by Andrew Rett in 1965,but it was recognized as a condition only in 1983.

  • Although Rett Syndrome is a genetic disorder,less than 1 percent of Rett syndrome is inherited.
  • Boys with Rett syndrome usually do not survive.
  • Rett syndrome can vary in severity from person to person.
  • Who is most at risk for Rett syndrome?

    Affected Populations. Rett syndrome occurs almost exclusively in girls. The incidence of Rett syndrome in the United States is estimated to be 1 in 10,000 girls by age 12. Cases of Rett syndrome can go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, making it difficult to determine the disorder’s true frequency in the general population.