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Wer wurde vom Basilisk versteinert?

Wer wurde vom Basilisk versteinert?

Der Basilisk tötet zwar keinen der Schüler, da ihm keines seiner Opfer direkt in die Augen blickte. In einer milderen Wirkung seines Blicks versteinerte der Basilisk allerdings zunächst Mrs. Norris, danach Colin Creevey, Justin Finch-Fletchley und den Fast Kopflosen Nick, sowie Hermine und Penelope Clearwater.

Was geschah mit der Kammer des Schreckens?

Als Slytherin sich mit seiner Ansicht bei den anderen Schulgründern nicht durchsetzen konnte, verließ er kurz darauf die Schule, doch nicht bevor er eine geheime Kammer in das Schloss eingebaut hatte. Er verbarg in ihr einen Basilisken, versiegelte die Kammer und verließ die Schule.

Where did the legend of the Basilisk come from?

Basilisk. It is possible that the legend of the basilisk and its association with the weasel in Europe was inspired by accounts of certain species of Asiatic snakes (such as the king cobra) and their natural predator, the mongoose .

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What does a basilisk look like in real life?

Physical Description. The Basilisk’s horrific body is patched together from pieces of a dragon, a serpent, and a cockerel. It has a cockerel’s flashy, feathered head and is supported by two spindly chicken legs. Dragon wings erupt from its shoulders, and a long serpentine tail completes its shudder-worthy look.

Do weasels and basilisks get along?

The weasel was the only animal immune to the basilisk’s gaze and venom, making it the only natural predator of the king of snakes. Weasels were often sent into caves believed to harbor basilisks. This interaction also recalls that of the cobra and the mongoose.

Why is the basilisk a menace to humans?

Of course, the Basilisk is a menace to more than just men. This monster leaves a path of destruction wherever he goes. Plants are scorched by its stench and evil spirit, birds burst into flame if they get too close to him, and other snakes flee from him, knowing that he has a bit of a cannibalistic appetite.

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