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Welchen Begriff beschreibt Sir Francis Drake?

Welchen Begriff beschreibt Sir Francis Drake?

Sir Francis Drake (* um 1540 in Tavistock, Devon; † 28. Januar 1596 bei Portobelo, Panama) war ein englischer Freibeuter und Entdecker, später Vizeadmiral und der erste englische Weltumsegler.

Wie ist das Schiff von Sir Francis Drake?

„Goldene Hirschkuh“), ursprünglich Pelican, war das Flaggschiff von Francis Drake, als er als erster Engländer zwischen 1577 und 1580 die Welt umsegelte (Weltumsegelung des Francis Drake)….Golden Hinde.

Flagge England
andere Schiffsnamen Pelican
Schiffstyp Galeone
Stapellauf 1577

Wann wurde Sir Francis Drake zum Ritter geschlagen?

Für seine Verdienste wurde er am 04. April 1581 von Elisabeth I. zum Ritter geschlagen und durfte sich fortan Sir Francis Drake nennen. Die Weltreise ging als The Famous Voyage in die Geschichte ein.

Wo wurde Sir Francis Drake geboren?

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Tavistock, Vereinigtes Königreich
Francis Drake/Geburtsort

Who was Sir Francis Drake’s father?

He was the oldest of the twelve sons of Edmund Drake (1518–1585), a Protestant farmer, and his wife Mary Mylwaye. The first son was alleged to have been named after his godfather Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of Bedford.

How did Sir Francis Drake’s accomplishments cement English dominance at sea?

Sir Francis Drake’s accomplishments cemented English dominance at sea. The Spanish Armada never fully recovered from Drake’s victories. This loss weakened their grip in the New World, and allowed the English to establish themselves as a great empire.

What happened to Christopher Drake’s fleet?

Drake’s fleet suffered great attrition; he scuttled both Christopher and the flyboat Swan due to loss of men on the Atlantic crossing. He made landfall at the gloomy bay of San Julian, in what is now Argentina. Ferdinand Magellan had called here half a century earlier, where he put to death some mutineers.

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Why did Drake go to the New World?

Drake joined him on his trading trips to the New World. At this time, much of the Caribbean islands, South America, and Mexico were controlled by the Spanish empire. England and Spain were often at war with each other, and as such, the Spanish banned trading with the English in their colonies.