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Welche Algen fressen Guppys?

Welche Algen fressen Guppys?

Nahrung Männchen (Naranjo) Männchen (Tacarigua)
Mehrzellige Algen 0,4 0,8
Kieselalgen 0,4 30,5
Algenreste 42,6 51,4
Mineralien (mineralische Partikel) 1,3 10,6

Sind Guppys Algenfresser?

Auch die meisten Lebendgebärenden, besonders Guppys, Black-Mollys, Platys, Segelkärpflinge und Floridakärpflinge haben Algen zum fressen gern. Ebenso Blaue Fadenfische und alle Otocinclus Arten. Beachten Sie aber : Fast alle Algenfresser können nur die jungen, zarten Algenfäden fressen.

Do Endlers eat algae?

Yes, Endlers, especially fry will typically graze on aquarium glass and filter algae as a supplement to their primary diet. If you are searching specifically for help with controlling algae, there are several superior choices compared to Endlers, such as the Siamese Algae Eater or Nitrite Snail. How big do Endlers grow?

What kind of fish is an Endler?

Endler Fish Endler fish (Poecilia wingei), also known as Endlers, Endlers Livebearers, ELB, Endler Guppies, Cumana Endlers, Campoma Endlers, are a small livebearer fish that originates in the Cumana & Campoma regions of Venezuela.

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What is the best tank for Endler’s livebearers?

A densely planted tank is best suited for keeping Endler’s livebearers. Be sure to cultivate lots of plants in the tank because this offers the fish ample places to hide especially in situations where they are kept with larger tank inhabitants. Plants like Java fern]

Are livelive plants good for Endlers?

Live plants can especially help endlers, because endlers poop a lot, meaning that there is a lot of waste that needs to be broken down. Since plants remove ammonia from the water, they can reduce the number of water changes you end up having to do as well as keep your endlers healthier.