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Was regelt die Verordnung Dora?

Was regelt die Verordnung Dora?

Finanzunternehmen sollen einen Managementprozess zur Überwachung und Protokollierung IKT-bezogener Vorfälle implementieren. Demnach sind Vorfälle auf Grundlage der in der Verordnung dargelegten Kriterien anhand von Wesentlichkeitsschwellen zu klassifizieren. Schwerwiegende IKT-bezogene Vorfälle sind zu melden.

Wann tritt Dora in Kraft?

Es ist zu erwarten, dass DORA im Laufe des ersten Halbjahrs 2022 in Kraft tritt und die sekundäre Gesetzgebung unmittelbar folgt. Die PPI AG hat die Regelungen aus DORA in einem Expert Summary zusammengefasst.

Was ist der Digital Operational Resilience Act?

Diese Verordnung ermöglicht eine verhältnismäßige Anwendung der Anforderungen an die Prüfung der digitalen Betriebsstabilität in Abhängigkeit von der Größe sowie der Geschäfts- und Risikoprofile von Finanzunternehmen.

What does Dora stand for?

The Defence of the Realm Act ( DORA) was passed in the United Kingdom on 8 August 1914, four days after it entered the First World War and was added to as the war progressed. It gave the government wide-ranging powers during the war, such as the power to requisition buildings or land needed for…

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What is the defence of the Realm Act (DORA)?

The Defence of the Realm Act was added to as the war progressed and it listed everything that people were not allowed to do in time of war. As World War One evolved, so DORA evolved. The first version of the Defence of the Realm Act was introduced on August 8th 1914. This stated that:

What is the digital operational resilience Act (DORA)?

What is the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)? The Digital Operations Resilience Act (DORA) is the European Union’s attempt to streamline the third-party risk management process across financial institutions. A draft of DORA was published by the European Commission on 24 September 2020.

What does the Dora legislation mean for financial services?

The DORA legislation proposed by the Commission is an important first step in creating a regulatory framework for financial services operational resilience in EU law. This proposal will now have to be negotiated by the European Parliament and European Council in what could be a protracted political process.

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