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Was ist Pantoea SPP?

Was ist Pantoea SPP?

Pantoea agglomerans ist ein fakultativ anaerobes, Gram-negatives, stäbchenförmiges Bakterium. Der Erreger gehört zur Familie der Enterobacteriaceae. Pantoea agglomerans kann zu nosokomialen Infektionen wie Harnwegs- oder Atemwegsinfektionen führen.

Was verursachen Enterobakterien?

Enterobacter generell, darunter auch Enterobacter cloacae, wurden erst in jüngster Zeit als Erreger von nosokomialen Infektionen (Krankenhausinfektionen) wahrgenommen. Sie verursachen Pneumonien, Septikämien, Wund- und Harnwegsinfektionen und bei Neugeborenen auch Meningitiden.

Was gehört zu den Enterobakterien?

Zur Familie der Enterobakterien gehören u. a. typische Darmbewohner, die nur zu Krankheitserregern werden, wenn sie in andere Körperregionen gelangen. Salmonellen, Shigellen und darmpathogene Escherichia sind ebenfalls Enterobakterien.

What is Pantoea agglomerans?

Pantoea agglomerans is a rare Gram-negative bacterium most often implicated in plant diseases and opportunistic organ system infections in immunocompromised humans. Because P. agglomerans uncommonly causes skin infections and presents with nonspecific clinical and histological findings, dermatologic diagnosis may be delayed.

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What is the pathophysiology of Pantoea agglomerans infection?

Pantoea agglomerans infection cases (septic monoarthritis) were reported to be due to plant material contamination such as a wood sliver embedded in the thumb or a thorn into a knee. In many cases of infection, the true pathogenicity of this bacterium is difficult to discern because of the polymicrobial nature of most of the bacteremic infections.

Where do you find Pantoea?

The species of the genus Pantoea are commonly found in plants, soil, and feces of humans and animals. [3] Pantoea is primarily an environmental and agricultural organism. However, P. agglomerans is the strain that is most frequently seen in humans and isolated in hospitals.

Can agglomerans be used as an adjunct in the treatment of dermatosis?

P. agglomerans not only causes skin infections and hypersensitivity reactions but also can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of malignant and nonmalignant dermatosis. Our patient had an interesting community-acquired case in the setting of HSV skin infection mimicking erythema multiforme and other acral cutaneous eruptions.

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