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Was ist eine Brachyzephale Rasse?

Was ist eine Brachyzephale Rasse?

Brachyzephalie ist die Fachbezeichnung für „Kurzköpfigkeit“ und beschreibt bei Hunden und Katzen das Phänomen der sehr kurzen Nasen. In den letzten Jahren haben Hunderassen wie die französische Bulldogge und der Mops einen enormen Zulauf erhalten.

Was ist ein Langschädel?

Mit dem Begriff Dolichocephalie (auch Dolichozephalie, griechisch δολιχός dolichos ‚lang‘; κεφαλή kephalē ‚Kopf‘) wird in der Humanmedizin eine besondere Kopfform beschrieben, die sich durch eine asymmetrisch lange, schmale Schädelform (Langschädel) kennzeichnet.

Can a Boston Terrier cross breed with a non brachycephalic dog?

As all Boston terriers have this condition, to a greater or lesser extent, this would mean out-crossing to non-brachycephalic breeds. Opinions differ as to whether it is ethically acceptable to breed animals whose welfare is likely to be compromised. How do you know if an animal is a carrier or likely to become affected? 1.

What breed of dog has a brachycephalic head?

Some brachycephalic breeds include Pugs, English bulldogs Pekinese, French bulldogs, Lhasa Apsos, Shih Tzus, Boston terriers and, in cats, Persians. The brachycephalic head shape is due to an inherited defect in the development of the bones of the skull (Stockard 1941).

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What causes brachycephalic airway obstruction in dogs?

Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome (BAOS) is a result of breeding practices that have selected for a shortened facial appearance. Most brachycephalic dogs are affected by upper airway obstruction to some degree (Brown & Gregory 2005).

Can Baos be eliminated from Boston Terriers without changing the conformation?

As BAOS is completely linked to the brachycephalic head shape, it seems unlikely that it will be possible to elimination the condition from Boston terriers without changing the conformation (and the breed standard). As all Boston terriers have this condition, to a greater or lesser extent, this would mean out-crossing to non-brachycephalic breeds.