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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Suss und Salzwasser?

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Süß und Salzwasser?

Bei einem Salzanteil von weniger als einem Gramm je Liter spricht man von Süßwasser, bei einem höheren Anteil von Salzwasser. Mineralwasser hat z.B. eine Konzentration von etwa einem Gramm Salz pro Liter. Das Wasser der Nordsee enthält 30mal mehr Salze: das entspricht in etwa drei Esslöffeln Salz pro Liter Wasser.

Was versteht man unter Salzwasser?

Als Salzwasser bezeichnet man eine Lösung von Salzen in Wasser. In der Regel wird darunter eine Kochsalzlösung von mindestens 1 \% verstanden. Im angelsächsischen Raum wird ein Salzgehalt oberhalb von 1,8 \%, angesetzt.

How do we get water from aquifers?

In order to access this water, a well must be created by drilling a hole that reaches the aquifer. While wells are manmade points of discharge for aquifers, they also discharge naturally at springs and in wetlands. Groundwater can become depleted if we use it at a faster rate than it can replenish itself.

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What is the difference between an aquifer and a well?

Most groundwater, including a significant amount of our drinking water, comes from aquifers. In order to access this water, a well must be created by drilling a hole that reaches the aquifer. While wells are manmade points of discharge for aquifers, they also discharge naturally at springs and in wetlands.

Are aquifers manmade or natural?

While wells are manmade points of discharge for aquifers, they also discharge naturally at springs and in wetlands. Groundwater can become depleted if we use it at a faster rate than it can replenish itself. The replenishment of aquifers by precipitation is called recharging.

What are some common misconceptions about aquifers?

A common misconception about aquifers is that they are underground rivers or lakes. While groundwater can seep into or out of aquifers due to their porous nature, it cannot move fast enough to flow like a river.