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Was ist ASP Schwein?

Was ist ASP Schwein?

Bei der Afrikanischen Schweinepest handelt es sich um eine schwere Virusinfektion, die ausschließlich Schweine (Haus- und Wildschweine) betrifft und für diese tödlich ist. Für den Menschen stellt sie keine Gefahr dar; auch nicht beim etwaigen Verzehr von mit dem ASP -Virus kontaminiertem Schweinefleisch.

Wo ist die Afrikanische Schweinepest?

Das Hauptverbreitungsgebiet der ASP sind afrikanische Länder südlich der Sahara. Vermutlich wurde die ASP aus Afrika nach Georgien eingeschleppt. Im Juni 2007 wurden die ersten ASP -Ausbrüche aus Georgien gemeldet. Als Ursache wird die illegale Entsorgung von Speiseabfällen vermutet, die das ASP -Virus enthielten.

What does ASPS stand for?

The Plastic Surgeon Match program of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) provides you with ASPS Member surgeons in your area who are highly trained in plastic surgery. The U.S. and Canadian surgeons in our referral service are all board certified by…

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What is the asps Connect program?

The Connect program of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) provides you with ASPS member surgeons in your area who are highly trained in plastic surgery. The U.S. and Canadian surgeons in our referral service are all board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

How do I find an ASPS member surgeon?

All of the surgeons in our search are ASPS members and are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. To get started, use this online search tool or call 1-800-514-5058 to find an ASPS Member Surgeon in your area.

What is the asps plastic surgery report?

Since 2000, the report represents a universal and comprehensive estimate of cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery procedures performed by ASPS Member Surgeons as well as other physicians most likely to perform plastic surgery procedures. These physicians are all certified by American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) recognized boards.

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