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Was essen Mollys am liebsten?

Was essen Mollys am liebsten?

Da Mollys ihre Nahrung überwiegend an der Wasseroberfläche aufnehmen, sollte leichtes Flockenfutter mit reinem oder hohem Pflanzen-Anteil verwendet werden, das nicht zu schnell zu Boden sinkt. Lebend- oder Frostfutter, wie zum Beispiel Mückenlarven, mögen sie hin und wieder aber auch gerne.

Was für Mollys gibt es?

Molly Arten und Farben

  • Black Molly.
  • Goldpuder-Molly (Goldmolly)
  • Silber-Molly.
  • Dalmatiner Molly.
  • Silber-Marmor-Molly.
  • Black Molly.
  • Diamant-Molly.
  • Gold-Schwarz-Molly.

Where can I buy a dalmation Molly fish?

Molly Fish come in a variety of colors and are easy to care for and breed. Arizona Aquatic Gardens offers assorted Fancy Mollies as well as individual colors, including Dalmation. Minimum quantity for “Molly – Dalmation Molly” is 3. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.

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What is the difference between Dalmatian and marble Molly?

The predominantly black coloured dalmation mollies are often called a marbled molly. The predominantly white coloured dalmation mollies are called dalmation molliy. In my opinion, the fish would not change colour if he is maturing. Is my Marble molly more uncommon than dalmatian mollies

How long do female Dalmatian Mollies live?

Female Dalmatian Mollies are non aggressive. The average lifespan of Dalmatian molly is 3 to 5 years. In certain circumstances, when the fish is well taken cared of, the lifespan extends up to 6 years. There are four types of Dalmatian mollies; Standard, Balloon, Sailfin, and Lyretail.

What to do if your Dalmatian molly is pregnant?

When you see this behavior change, you must remove the pregnant molly into a breeding box or a separate tank carefully. Otherwise, the fry will get eaten by other adult fish. Dalmatian molly breeding happens very easily if the water condition is right and feeds them with premium fish food flakes.

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