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Wann wurde Indiana gegrundet?

Wann wurde Indiana gegründet?

11. Dezember 1816Indiana / Gegründet

Indiana bedeutet „Land der Indianer“. Am 11. Dezember 1816 wurde es der 19. Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.

Wo liegt Chicago auf der Weltkarte?

Chicago liegt im Nordosten von Illinois. Laut Daten des United States Census Bureau hat die Stadt eine Fläche von 606,1 Quadratkilometern. Gewässer bedecken davon 2,94 Prozent (17,8 Quadratkilometer). In Chicago mündete einst der Chicago River in den Michigansee, einen der fünf Großen Seen Nordamerikas.

What are the biggest industries in Indiana?

Canada provides the largest market for Indiana’s manufacturing. In agriculture, the tomato is the leading crop to come out of Indiana. Corn and soybeans are also popular farm products. Hogs are Indiana’s most valuable livestock product, followed by milk, beef and eggs.

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What percentage of Indiana’s income is from manufacturing?

A high percentage of Indiana’s income is from manufacturing. Indiana has been the largest steel producing state in the U.S. since 1975, with the Calumet region of northwest Indiana being the largest single steel producing area in the U.S., accounting for 27\% of all U.S. steel production. Indiana is also the 2nd largest auto manufacturing state.

Why is Indiana a good place to do business?

The availability of labour and essential materials, the state’s location within 800 miles (1,280 km) of most of the country’s largest consumer and industrial markets, and the extensive interstate highway infrastructure all contributed to the growth of manufacturing in Indiana.

How has Indiana diversified its economy?

Since the early-1990s, Indiana has diversified its economy away from heavy industry and towards service (such as banking, insurance, healthcare, education, financial services, information technology) and high-tech manufacturing.