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Sind Fossas Einzelganger?

Sind Fossas Einzelgänger?

Die Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox), seltener auch Frettkatze genannt, ist eine auf Madagaskar endemische Raubtierart. Sie ist das größte Raubtier ihrer Heimatinsel und ernährt sich vorrangig von Primaten und anderen Säugetieren. Der Einzelgänger lebt in großen Revieren und zählt zu den gefährdeten Arten.

Sind Fossas vom Aussterben bedroht?

Gefährdet (Abnehmend)

Was essen Fossas?

Die Raubtiere jagen vor allem Lemuren, außerdem Tenreks und andere kleine Säugetiere. Auch Reptilien, Frösche und Insekten stehen manchmal auf dem Speiseplan der Fossas.

Was fressen Fossas?

What does the fossa eat?

It is the largest carnivore and top predator native to Madagascar and is known to feed on lemurs and most other creatures it can get its claws on, from wild pigs to mice. Unlike mongooses, and more like felines, the fossa has retractable claws and fearsome catlike teeth. Its coat is reddish brown and its muzzle resembles that of a dog.

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What does a fossa look like?

The unusual-looking fossa from Madagascar looks like a puma and has both canine and feline features. It is the largest mammalian carnivore on the island, and preys mainly on lemurs, pursuing them through the trees with remarkable speed and agility. The fossa is renowned for its appearance, its strength, and its peculiar mating rituals.

What happened to the Fossas?

Explorers first arrived on the island some 2,000 years ago, and scientists believe that they would have been met by a bizarre assemblage of now-extinct beasts, including lemurs the size of gorillas and a ten-foot-tall flightless bird. Presently, fossas are threatened due to habitat loss.

How does the fossa use its tail?

The fossa is also equipped with a long tail that comes in handy while hunting and maneuvering amongst the tree branches. It can wield its tail like a tightrope walker’s pole and moves so swiftly through the trees that scientists have had trouble observing and researching it.

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