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Ist Bank Cler sicher?

Ist Bank Cler sicher?

Ja, die Bank Cler ist, wie jede Bank und jedes Wertpapierhaus in der Schweiz, verpflichtet, die Selbstregulierung «Vereinbarung zwischen esisuisse und ihren Mitgliedern» zu unterzeichnen. Die Einlagen der Kunden sind also bis zum Höchstbetrag von CHF 100’000 pro Kunde gesichert.

Wem gehört die Bank Cler?

Die Basler Kantonalbank hat die Bank Cler ganz übernommen, die Bank Cler ist nun eine vollständige Tochtergesellschaft der Basler Kantonalbank.

Wem gehört die Coop Bank?

Am 20. Dezember 1999 übernahm die Basler Kantonalbank die Mehrheitsbeteiligung; 2001 wurde die Namensänderung zu «Bank Coop» vollzogen. Das Institut gehört als Bank Cler seit 2017 vollständig der Basler Kantonalbank.

What is the meaning of a co-operative Bank?

According to the Co-operative Banks Act No.40 of 2007 a „co-operative bank“ means a co-operative registered as a co-operative bank in terms of this Act whose members— are of similar occupation or profession or who are employed by a common employer or who are employed within the same business district; or

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Will the co-op Bank ever return to co-operative ownership?

The article formed first part of a two-part review of the Customer Union for Ethical Banking’s second aim, to work for an eventual return of the Co-op Bank to full co-operative ownership. The second part of the series was published with our October 2020 newsletter, and discussed our strategy for advocating for a change of ownership.

What are the problems in the functioning of cooperative banks?

About 80 per cent loans given to the cooperative societies are unsecure and the remaining loans are given against the securities such as merchandise, agricultural produce, immovable property, government and other securities etc. The most distressing feature of the functioning of the central cooperative banks is heavy and increasing overdue loans.

How do the Central Cooperative banks raise working capital?

The central cooperative banks raise their working capital from own funds, deposits, borrowings and other sources. In the own funds, the major portion consists of share capital contributed by cooperative societies and the state government, and the rest is made up of reserves. Deposits largely come from individuals and cooperative societies.

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