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Hat es den Megalodon existiert?

Hat es den Megalodon existiert?

Der Megalodon ist eine ausgestorbene Legende. Die einzigen gefundenen Fossile des riesigen Urzeithais sind seine Zähne, jeder so groß wie die Hand eines Menschen. Der prähistorische Räuber durchstreifte die Ozeane vor über 2,6 Millionen Jahren. Sein Skelett bestand aus Knorpeln, genau wie bei heutigen Haien.

Wie jagte der Megalodon?

In seichten, tropischen Meeren waren Fische, Schildkröten, Seekühe und kleine Wale vermutlich die bevorzugte Beute. Von 70 untersuchten Bissen in Walknochen waren in zwei Drittel der Fälle die Flossen, die Schultern oder die Brustwirbel das Ziel des Angriffs.

What can we learn from the teeth of a megalodon?

Without a complete megalodon skeleton, these figures are based on the size of the animal’s teeth, which can reach 18 centimetres long. In fact, the word megalodon simply means ‚large tooth‘. These teeth can tell us a lot, such as what these massive animals ate. A megalodon tooth next to a tooth of a great white shark.

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Is the Megalodon related to the great white shark?

Modern research shows that the megalodon is most closely related to mako sharks, not to the Great White. Every shark, including the megalodon, has several rows of teeth lining its jaw. Unlike people, who have a limited number of teeth in their lifetime, sharks constantly shed their teeth and replace them with new ones.

How much does a megalodon weigh?

The weight of the average Megalodon has been estimated to be 30 tons on average ±5. The biggest Megalodon has been estimated to be a massive 50 tons heavier than most medium sized baleen whales. Its teeth were 10 inches long.

When did the first megalodon fossil appear?

The earliest megalodon fossils ( Otodus megalodon, previously known as Carcharodon or Carcharocles megalodon) date to 20 million years ago. For the next 13 million years the enormous shark dominated the oceans until becoming extinct just 3.6 million years ago.

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