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Fur was sind die Chloroplasten zustandig?

Für was sind die Chloroplasten zuständig?

Chloroplasten sind in der Pflanzenzelle für die Photosynthese zuständig. In ihnen befindet sich das Chlorophyll, an dem die Reaktionen der Photosysteme I und II ablaufen.

Warum besitzen die Chloroplasten von Braunalgen drei Membranen?

Es gibt jedoch auch Algen, deren Chloroplasten von drei oder vier Membranen umgeben sind. Diese zusätzlichen Membranen sind das Resultat sekundärer Endosymbiosen, die von ihnen umschlossenen Chloroplasten «aus zweiter Hand». 3 Sie wurden nicht als Cyanobakterien aufgenommen, sondern gemeinsam mit ihrem Wirt.

What is the structure and function of chloroplast?

Let us have a detailed look at the chloroplast structure and function. “Chloroplast is an organelle that contains the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll that captures sunlight and converts it into useful energy, thereby, releasing oxygen from water. “ What is a Chloroplast?

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What is the role of the chloroplast in plant immunity?

Plants lack specialized immune cells—all plant cells participate in the plant immune response. Chloroplasts, along with the nucleus, cell membrane, and endoplasmic reticulum, are key players in pathogen defense. Due to its role in a plant cell’s immune response, pathogens frequently target the chloroplast.

How are chloroplasts similar to bacteria?

Chloroplasts have their own, separate DNA that is circular, like that of a bacterial cell, and inherited maternally (only from the mother plant alga). New chloroplasts are formed through binary fission, or splitting, which is how bacteria reproduce. These forms of evidence are also found in mitochondria.

What is the difference between chloroplasts and leucoplasts?

Chloroplasts- They are green coloured plastids, which comprises of green-coloured pigments within the plant cell and are called as the chlorophyll. Leucoplasts- They are colourless plastids and are mainly used for the storage of starch, lipids, and proteins within the plant cell.

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